O. Madar and
O. Fried.
Tiled Diffusion.
CVPR, 2025.
M. Rusanovsky, S. Malnick, A. Jevnisek,
O. Fried and S. Avidan.
Memories of Forgotten Concepts.
CVPR, 2025.
O. Avrahami, O. Patashnik,
O. Fried, E. Nemchinov, K. Aberman, D. Lischinski and D. Cohen-Or.
Stable Flow: Vital Layers for Training-Free Image Editing.
CVPR, 2025.
E. Levin and
O. Fried.
Differential Diffusion: Giving Each Pixel Its Strength.
Eurographics, 2025.
E. Michaeli and
O. Fried.
SaSPA: Advancing Fine-Grained Classification by Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation.
NeurIPS, 2024.
S. Raab, I. Gat, N. Sala, G. Tevet, R. Shalev-Arkushin,
O. Fried, A. H. Bermano and D. Cohen-Or.
Monkey See, Monkey Do: Harnessing Self-attention in Motion Diffusion for Zero-shot Motion Transfer.
SIGGRAPH Asia, 2024.
O. Avrahami, R. Gal, G. Chechik,
O. Fried, D. Lischinski, A. Vahdat and W. Nie.
DiffUHaul: A Training-Free Method for Object Dragging in Images.
SIGGRAPH Asia, 2024.
O. Avrahami, A. Hertz, Y. Vinker, M. Arar, S. Fruchter,
O. Fried, D. Cohen-Or and D. Lischinski.
The Chosen One: Consistent Characters in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models.
S. Malnick, S. Avidan and
O. Fried.
Taming Normalizing Flows.
WACV, 2024.
S. Sinitsa and
O. Fried.
Deep Image Fingerprint: Towards Low Budget Synthetic Image Detection and Model Lineage Analysis.
WACV, 2024.
D. Arkushin, B. Cohen, S. Peleg and
O. Fried.
GEFF: Improving Any Clothes-Changing Person ReID Model using Gallery Enrichment with Face Features.
RWS Workshop, WACV, 2024.
N. Zabari, A. Azulay, A. Gorkor, T. Halperin and
O. Fried.
Diffusing Colors: Image Colorization with Text Guided Diffusion.
SIGGRAPH Asia, 2023.
O. Avrahami, K. Aberman,
O. Fried, D. Cohen-Or and D. Lischinski.
Break-A-Scene: Extracting Multiple Concepts from a Single Image.
SIGGRAPH Asia, 2023.
O. Avrahami,
O. Fried and D. Lischinski.
Blended Latent Diffusion.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2023.
O. Avrahami, T. Hayes, O. Gafni, S. Gupta, Y. Taigman, D. Parikh, D. Lischinski,
O. Fried and X. Yin.
SpaText: Spatio-Textual Representation for Controllable Image Generation.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
R. Shalev-Arkushin, A. Moryossef and
O. Fried.
Ham2Pose: Animating Sign Language Notation into Pose Sequences.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
D. Dadon,
O. Fried and Y. Hel-Or.
DDNeRF: Depth Distribution Neural Radiance Fields.
WACV, 2023.
O. Avrahami, D. Lischinski and
O. Fried.
GAN Cocktail: mixing GANs without dataset access.
ECCV, 2022.
A. Karnieli,
O. Fried and Y. Hel-Or.
DeepShadow: Neural Shape from Shadow.
ECCV, 2022.
O. Avrahami, D. Lischinski and
O. Fried.
Blended Diffusion for Text-driven Editing of Natural Images.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.
A. Tewari, M. Byrasandra Ramalinga, X. Pan,
O. Fried, M. Agrawala and C. Theobalt.
Disentangled3D: Learning a 3D Generative Model with Disentangled Geometry and Appearance from Monocular Images.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.
J. L. E, K. Y. Zhai, J. Echevarria,
O. Fried, P. Hanrahan and J. A. Landay.
Dynamic Guidance for Decluttering Photographic Compositions.
ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST), 2021.
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A. Tewari,
O. Fried, J. Thies, V. Sitzmann, S. Lombardi, Z. Xu, T. Simon, M. Nießner, E. Tretschk, L. Liu, B. Mildenhall, P. Srinivasan, R. Pandey, S. Orts-Escolano, S. Fanello, M. Guo, G. Wetzstein, J.-Y. Zhu, C. Theobalt, M. Agrawala, D. B Goldman and M. Zollhöfer.
Advances in Neural Rendering.
ACM SIGGRAPH Courses, 2021.
T. Halperin, H. Hakim, O. Vantzos, G. Hochman, N. Benaim, L. Sassy, M. Kupchik, O. Bibi and
O. Fried.
Endless Loops: Detecting and Animating Periodic Patterns in Still Images.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2021.
X. Yao,
O. Fried, K. Fatahalian and M. Agrawala.
Iterative Text-based Editing of Talking-heads Using Neural Retargeting.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2021.
R. Or-El, S. Sengupta,
O. Fried, E. Shechtman and I. Kemelmacher-Shlizerman.
Lifespan Age Transformation Synthesis.
ECCV, 2020.
[colab notebook]
S. Agarwal, H. Farid,
O. Fried and M. Agrawala.
Detecting Deep-Fake Videos from Phoneme-Viseme Mismatches.
CVPR Workshop on Media Forensics, 2020
A. Tewari*,
O. Fried*, J. Thies*, V. Sitzmann*, S. Lombardi, K. Sunkavalli, R. Martin-Brualla, T. Simon, J. Saragih, M. Nießner, R. Pandey, S. Fanello, G. Wetzstein, J.-Y. Zhu, C. Theobalt, M. Agrawala, E. Shechtman, D. B Goldman and M. Zollhöfer.
(* equal contribution)
State of the Art on Neural Rendering.
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics STAR report), 2020
J. L. E,
O. Fried, J. Lu, J. Zhang, R. Mech, J. Echevarria, P. Hanrahan and J. A. Landay.
Adaptive Photographic Composition Guidance.
CHI, 2020
O. Fried, J. Jacobs, A. Finkelstein and M. Agrawala.
Editing Self Image.
Communications of the ACM, 2020
O. Fried, A. Tewari, M. Zollhöfer, A. Finkelstein, E. Shechtman, D. B Goldman, K. Genova, Z. Jin, C. Theobalt and M. Agrawala.
Text-based Editing of Talking-head Video.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2019
J. L. E,
O. Fried and M. Agrawala.
Optimizing Portrait Lighting at Capture-Time Using a 360 Camera as a Light Probe.
ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST), 2019
[webpage (supplementary material, visualizations)]
O. Fried and M. Agrawala.
Puppet Dubbing.
The 30th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR), 2019
D. Danon, H. Averbuch-Elor,
O. Fried and D. Cohen-Or.
Unsupervised Natural Image Patch Learning.
Computational Visual Media, 2019.
Best paper award.
B. Ward, M. Ward,
O. Fried and B. Paskhover.
Nasal Distortion in Short-Distance Photographs: The Selfie Effect.
JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, 2018
O. Fried and B. Paskhover.
Perceived Facial Distortions in Selfies Are Explained by Viewing Habits—Reply.
JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, 2018
O. Fried, S. Avidan and D. Cohen-Or.
Patch2Vec: Globally Consistent Image Patch Representation.
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Pacific Graphics), 2017
O. Fried.
Photo Manipulation, The Easy Way.
PhD Dissertation, Princeton University, 2017
O. Fried, E. Shechtman, D. B Goldman and A. Finkelstein.
Perspective-aware Manipulation of Portrait Photos.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2016
H. Chang,
O. Fried, Y. Liu, S. DiVerdi and A. Finkelstein.
Palette-based Photo Recoloring.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 2015
O. Fried, E. Shechtman, D. B Goldman and A. Finkelstein.
Finding Distractors In Images.
28th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015
O. Fried, S. DiVerdi, M. Halber, E. Sizikova and A. Finkelstein.
IsoMatch: Creating Informative Grid Layouts.
36th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics), 2015
O. Fried, Z. Jin, R. Oda and A. Finkelstein.
AudioQuilt: 2D Arrangements of Audio Samples using Metric Learning and Kernelized Sorting.
14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2014
O. Fried, and R. Fiebrink.
Cross-modal Sound Mapping Using Deep Learning.
Proc. New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2013
O. Fried.
Texture Synthesis for Particle Infused Textures.
Masters Thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 2012
O. Fried.
Single-cell Resolution Analysis of Yeast Response to Osmo-Stress.
Undergrad Thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 2010